From Grand Wizard to “racial realist”

Posted: October 29, 2016 by watsonthethird in 2016 Presidential Campaign, Current Events, Donald Trump
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There was an interesting article in the Washington Post a couple of weeks ago titled, “The white flight of Derek Black.” Black is the son of racist and white nationalist Don Black, the founder of Stormfront, the first and largest white nationalist website. Derek was raised as a racist by his parents. They homeschooled him in order for him to avoid mixing with other races, and also so that his parents could drill into him their racist dogma. Derek became one of the leading young spokesmen and leaders for white nationalists. Eventually, however, he began to doubt his ideology when he went to college, and has now renounced it.

The Post article leads off with the recounting of a white nationalist conference just after President Obama had been elected.

Their public conference had been interrupted by a demonstration march and a bomb threat, so the white nationalists decided to meet secretly instead. They slipped past police officers and protesters into a hotel in downtown Memphis. The country had elected its first black president just a few days earlier, and now in November 2008, dozens of the world’s most prominent racists wanted to strategize for the years ahead.

“The fight to restore White America begins now,” their agenda read.

The room was filled in part by former heads of the Ku Klux Klan and prominent neo-Nazis, but one of the keynote speeches had been reserved for a Florida community college student who had just turned 19. Derek Black was already hosting his own radio show. He had launched a white nationalist website for children and won a local political election in Florida. “The leading light of our movement,” was how the conference organizer introduced him, and then Derek stepped to the lectern.

“The way ahead is through politics,” he said. “We can infiltrate. We can take the country back.”

Years before Donald Trump launched a presidential campaign based in part on the politics of race and division, a group of avowed white nationalists was working to make his rise possible by pushing its ideology from the radical fringes ever closer to the far conservative right. Many attendees in Memphis had transformed over their careers from Klansmen to white supremacists to self-described “racial realists,” and Derek Black represented another step in that evolution. [My emphasis added.]

Eight years later, that future they envisioned in Memphis was finally being realized in the presidential election of 2016. Donald Trump was retweeting white supremacists. Hillary Clinton was making speeches about the rise of white hate and quoting David Duke, who had launched his own campaign for the U.S. Senate.

These people want you to think they are merely intellectuals who have discovered racial realism as a scientific theory, but their own backgrounds reveal their true intentions.

The Post article has some interesting insights into his father, Don Black, and how his overt racism has been toned down–that is, made more acceptable in polite circles–by calling it “racial realism.” There is a photo of Don, then a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, at a recruitment rally in 1982, with the caption, “Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Don Black, center, at the cross-burning climax of a Klan recruitment rally in 1982. Black would later leave the Klan and begin describing himself as a ‘white civil rights advocate’ or a ‘racial realist.'”

If you Google “‘don black’ racial realism” you’ll come up with hundreds, if not thousands of hits back to his website Stormfront. It’s kind of a one-stop shopping center for those who wish to promote racism in so-called scientific terms. Shortly after creating Storefront, Don said, “We want to take America back. We know a multicultural Yugoslav nation can’t hold up for too long. Whites won’t have any choice but to take military action. It’s our children whose interests we have to defend.” He started–a website purportedly about King, but is actually intended to malign him. It’s not unlike, which masquerades as an objective look at Islam.

After an estrangement, Derek faced his parents. They basically don’t get along at this point, but at least they are on speaking terms. Their last encounter was this summer.

Late this summer, for the first time in years, he traveled to Florida to see them. At a time of increasingly contentious rhetoric, he wanted to hear what his father had to say. They sat in the house and talked about graduate school and Don’s new German shepherd. But after a while, their conversation turned back to ideology, the topic they had always preferred.

Don, who usually didn’t vote, said he was going to support Trump.

Derek said he had taken an online political quiz, and his views aligned 97 percent with Hillary Clinton’s.

Don said immigration restrictions sounded like a good start.

Derek said he actually believed in more immigration, because he had been studying the social and economic benefits of diversity.

Don thought that would result in a white genocide.

Derek thought race was a false concept anyway.

They sat across from each other, searching for ways to bridge the divide. The bay was one block away. Just across from there was Mar-a-Lago, where Trump had lived and vacationed for so many years, once installing an 80-foot pole for a gigantic American flag.

“Who would have thought he’d be the one to take it mainstream?” Don said, and in a moment of so much division, it was the one point on which they agreed.

Taking racism mainstream. That’s really the point of dressing it up in pseudo-science.

  1. Cluster says:

    I am a little sad for you Watson. Nobody seems interested in what you have to say anymore and you are weirdly obsessed with race. I am sure if you dug a little deeper you could find even more egregious examples of racism after all this is a free country, at least for the time being. Maybe though if people like you can just hold onto power you could control thought and punish those who disagree with you. Wouldn’t that be great?

    It’s also strange how after 30 years of a highly public life, Trump’s white nationalist beliefs are just now being exposed. But if anyone knows racism, it’s a Democrat. So what do you think the next plan is? Should we trap black people into decaying inner cities and under performing schools? Should we incentivize black women to have children out of wedlock? Should we make it easier for black women to kill their unborn children and have the federal government pay for it? Should we leave the border open to allow drugs to freely flow into black urban areas? Should we blame the police for over patrolling black neighborhoods? Should we blame black people’s problems on “white privilege”? Should we regulate business’s to the point that good paying jobs leave the country? Should we convince black people that the only thing between them and success is a $15 an hour minimum wage job?

    Oh wait a minute, I guess the Democrats are already doing these things. Never mind.

  2. So good to hear from you, Cluster!

    Nobody seems interested in what you have to say anymore

    You must be a nobody. lol So I’m weirdly obsessed with race? Let’s see. This is the first post about racists since February 25. That’s an obsession, man! It’s true, though, that I find racists repugnant.

    But, say, Cluster, tell us how you feel about racial realism. We’re dying to know. Your new pal Rusty would just love to talk to you about it. Why, he badgered and badgered me about it not too long ago. So engage him over at your place.

    But over here, I’d love to hear your thoughts on racial realism, Stormfront, and former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black.

    The floor is yours.

    • Cluster says:

      I have zero thought on stormfront or racial realism. Unlike you, I don’t dwell on irrelevant issues. I am much more interested in what the Clinton’s had to do to secure a personal fortune of over $110 million dollars from countries who oppress women and kill gays.

      • Zero thought, eh? Yeah, right.

      • Cluster says:

        That’s correct watson, I had never even heard of stormfront until I read it in your post and I have no interest whatsoever of looking any deeper into it. In my opinion, race matters are only discussed by those who have a vested interest in keeping racial divisions alive.

        On another matter, why in the heck did Terry McAuliffe give $600K to the campaign of an FBI agents wife?? Weird don’t you think?

      • Oh, this is such bullshit, Cluster. Ever hear of the KKK? You came here and commented on an article I posted. Maybe you even read it. If not, why are you commenting? Any thoughts on the article, other than that you have absolutely no thought in your head about racism?

        Hint: You don’t have to be obsessed with racism in order to condemn it, even if it is dressed up for polite circles as “racial realism.”

      • Cluster says:

        Oh is that what we are suppose to do every time it’s brought up? Condemn it? How about if we just stop talking about it? Or would that hurt the agenda?

        I do remember however Hillary Clinton eulogizing former KKK Grand Wizard and former Democratic Senator Robert Byrd calling him a friend and mentor. Maybe you should ask her what she thinks.

      • How about if we just stop talking about it?

        lol. Yes, better not speak of it. What else should we not talk about because it makes you feel uncomfortable? I mean, your feigning ignorance demonstrates that either you are an ignoramus or you pretend to be one. You can pick.

        Since things need to be simplified for you, here’s a multiple choice quiz. Cluster’s view of the Ku Klux Klan is:

        a) Positive
        b) Negative
        c) Never heard of it
        d) We don’t call it the KKK anymore. It’s racial realism

  3. Cluster says:

    On a positive note, healthcare premiums are going up over 100% in my state and there is only provider on the exchange. Good times.

  4. Saw your comments on B4V tonight, there Cluster. I didn’t realize you were taking up the cause for your new pal. I admit I am tempted to restore rusty’s privileges in the spirit of kumbaya that you have all demonstrated. But I guess I don’t believe it would last long before Rusty would “go back to being an asshole,” as he puts it. Better idea would be for Rusty to just make his own site and let us know where it is. It takes about a minute.

    As for his presence being “littered” throughout this post: those are your words. It’s not my fault that a post about this subject makes you think of him.

    As for deflection, which you all claim to be a liberal speciality, you come here and make three comments, each of which attempted to deflect to Terry McAuliffe, Robert Byrd, and health care premiums. You are the king of deflections, my friend.

    Chapman just got the Cubs out of trouble in the seventh. Does he go the rest of the way? There’s no tomorrow if the Cubbies don’t win.

    • Cluster says:

      Go Cubs!!! Although if the Indians win it wouldn’t be horrible. I am after all a Giants fan so I have no allegiance but would like to see the Cubs prevail.

      Re: politics – I have learned over the last decade to not get to emotionally invested. A good life lesson is to never to get too worried about things you can not control, and none of us have any control over the direction of the electorate. Rusty has simply challenged the progressive doctrine on immigration and race matters and for that I give hime credit. I am sure he is still left of center on many other issues and you two probably agree more than you don’t, so it might be a good idea to hear him out rather than banishing him for straying from the ideological reservation. And who of us hasn’t been an asshole at one time or another? I know I have but lately I have tried to temper my responses and inject humor when possible.

      My take on this current election is that this is more of a contest between everyday Americans and the Establishment than it is R vs D. I think both parties have failed everyday Americans over the last few decades and many people of both parties are noticing that. Trump is definitely an imperfect candidate but he is the only one who had the guts, and the money, to challenge the political status quo and it’s about time. The lower and middles class of this country are being crushed by the global ambitions and pure greed of the power players in our current political establishment.

      • I would not have taken you for a Giants fan. Good God, we have something in common. 🙂 I had a Cubs fan text me before the Giants-Cubs series saying, I know it’s an even year and all, but can’t you guys share just once? Three World Series titles in five years was pretty sweet.

        I have learned over the last decade to not get to emotionally invested. A good life lesson is to never to get too worried about things you can not control, and none of us have any control over the direction of the electorate.

        Well, at least we can vote. That is, unless those clever Republicans suppress our votes.

        I think your take on the election is highly reductive. For instance, who are “everyday Americans”? Me? You? Your gardener or housekeeper? The guys (and gals) at Intel in Phoenix? You certainly are not a member of the working class, if that’s what you consider everyday Americans to be.

        As for Rusty, he just wants to argue. He likes to get under people’s skin. I get it. Didn’t he say something to the effect that he would kick my ass if he came back? That’s pretty much his motivation in a nutshell. I guess if I was truly emotionally invested I would have him back, but honestly, who needs it? You of all people should understand that, given your past with Rusty, deleting the blog and all because of him. I must say that it’s a bit sad that he continues to beg to come back, though. Surely he has better things to do, being rich and all.

        As for hearing him out on race matters, Rusty really doesn’t need this blog in order for you or me to hear him out. Unlike in the past, he is free to post at B4V now. And since “friendly voices” are allowed to inject any topics they want into the comment threads over there, Rusty is free to do so. You could also ask him to more fully explain himself there, if indeed you really want to hear him out. Nothing is stopping you. And he could easily start his own blog and pontificate ad infinitum. So why the preoccupation with me restoring his privileges here? I’ve already heard him out in exhaustively long threads. I don’t see any benefit in starting new ones, other than Rusty getting his kicks out of arguing and provoking. Whatever.

  5. meursault1942 says:

    These people want you to think they are merely intellectuals who have discovered racial realism as a scientific theory, but their own backgrounds reveal their true intentions.

    It’s interesting: There’s a bit of a schism regarding this. Some are like you describe–they spout “race realism” and get really angry when you point out that “race realism” is quite obviously just plain old racism. Others, however, proudly claim to be racist and assert that racism is a good thing. Trump’s hardcore white nationalist base is like that–they actually get offended if you try to say that they aren’t racist. And of course, Trump speaks directly to them, and that’s why they’re so steadfast in their support of him: It’s the racism. They see in Trump their last best chance to assert White America For Whites; “race realists” believe that as well, obviously. The foundation of their apocalyptic talk is existential fear of a higher percentage of minorities in America.

    So Derek Black’s story is a good thing. It shows how difficult the racist impulse is to maintain in the face of, well, basic reality.

    But on the other hand, we have “patriots” like this guy, who shares an awful lot of paranoias with our ol’ pal Retired Spook:

    Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food as they look forward to what most people would consider a worst-case scenario.

    Jim Moseley, a self-described “Christian soldier” from Greenville, South Carolina, is buying extra ammunition and canned goods to prepare for what he believes will be a second civil war, reported The (Toronto) Star.

    “Once the trucks stop rolling, the grocery shelves will go empty and gasoline rationing will go into effect,” Moseley wrote in a Facebook message early this week.

    The newspaper caught up with Moseley, a 59-year-old retired salesman, earlier this week to discuss Trump’s darkening campaign rhetoric.

    It’s clear that, whatever words Trump is using to question the integrity of the election, Moseley and at least some other supporters are interpreting his message as the declaration of a war they’ve been itching to fight.

    “Liberals will have targets on their backs, as their behaviors are pretty much evident,” Moseley posted. “Race wars will begin as well, as your skin color will be your uniform!”

    • Regardless of their motivations for adopting “racial realism,” it is certainly true that white racists–oh sorry, white nationalists–have embraced Donald Trump.

      Cluster might want to factor this into his political calculus.

      • meursault1942 says:

        Oh, no doubt. After all, Trump’s support boils down to two things: The fact that he’s the Republican nominee (Republicans gonna Republican), and racism:

        The white nationalist wing was gaining in strength, and due for a win. It got one in Trump.

        Even in the general election, while support for Trump is correlated most strongly with party ID, the second biggest factor, per the analysis of Hamilton College political scientist Philip Klinkner, was racial resentment. Economic pessimism and income level were statistically insignificant.

        The message this research sends is very, very clear. There is a segment of the Republican Party that is opposed to racial equality. It has increased in numbers in reaction to the election of a black president. The result was that an anti–racial equality candidate won the Republican nomination.

        All the “no, it’s about economic anxiety!” stuff is a mere canard.

  6. Tim says:

    Are you fearing little ole me?

    I am a harmless Teddy Bear.

    Have a nice day though!

  7. Cluster says:

    Good to know you guys are not obsessed with racism…… I am honestly a little sad for you, of course Hillary is such a criminally flawed candidate, I guess racism is the only tool you have left. I will also note that if you are truly concerned about racism and the potential of violence, you need to look no further than your side of the political aisle where ACTUAL violence has been on fatal display lately. Maybe you guys could work on stopping the BLM movement from killing cops and burning down cities. Just saying.

    And M, Obama is only half black so maybe you should “factor that in to your political calculus”

    • meursault1942 says:

      Your reading comprehension is quite poor. Trumpsters are obsessed with racism, as racism is one of their primary motivating factors for supporting Trump. The sum total of the data is unequivocal about this. Clearly, having this pointed out to you makes you very uncomfortable. Why is that? Why are you so scared?

      I also see that you’re fully given yourself over to the “racism is not racism–only noticing racism is truly racism!” talking point (and its related talking point: “Cops killing black people is not a problem; black people being angry about cops killing black people is the problem!”). Is this because you’re somewhat uneasy with voting for a candidate who openly caters to racists (which you are doing when you vote for Trump, like it or not) and want to try to rationalize away that uneasiness? Or are you willing to make the argument that many Trump supporters have made, namely that racism is a good thing?

    • It is apparently beyond Cluster’s comprehension that an occasional utterance here doesn’t translate to an obsession.

      Meanwhile, how about that Rusty?! Another conquest notched on his belt. He is awesome.

      • And meanwhile (again), the Indians outfielders appear to have forgotten that they’re paid to catch the ball.

        (Is it okay if I say that, Cluster? I mean, it probably deviates from your expectations of me, and all.)

      • Cluster says:

        Well I don’t have too many expectations of you Watson but the Cubs showed up to play, didn’t they? Now they have to beat Kluber which wont be easy but I hope they do and take the trophy home after a 108 year absence. Of course we have three of those trophies sitting in the Giants clubhouse, so it’s easier to be happy for the other guys. Hell I was just hoping the Giants would win one championship in my lifetime and now they have three, so I am a happy man.

      • Well I don’t have too many expectations of you Watson

        Whew. That’s a relief. Wiping my brow over here.

        Say, Cluster, did you see that the KKK endorsed your candidate yesterday? I know you’ll accuse me of being preoccupied by race, but honestly, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. And besides, this comment is really about white Christians, which is who the KKK claim to represent. But hey, that’s two newspaper endorsements for Trump. Attaboy!

      • Cluster says:

        Another day, another racist observation by someone who is not obsessed with racism. Thanks for the heads up.

      • If only those pesky Klansman hadn’t come out with a public statement of support for Donald Trump in their own newspaper…

      • meursault1942 says:

        Don’t you get it, Watson? In conservative world, the Klan isn’t racist. Instead, you’re racist for pointing out that the Klan endorsed Trump.

        Speaking of Trump, let’s talk about his upcoming trial for raping a 13-year-old girl. So presidential! Moral values!

      • Dammit! I went to the Washington Post home page just now and there it is, staring me in the face, in the In The News section just below the masthead: “Trump For KKK”. They must be obsessed, too.

        Speaking of an obsession, we really must give a special shoutout to our good friend, Rusty, and his obsession over Bob. I mean, he has truly outdone himself with his latest takedown. It is kind of entertaining in a perverse sort of way to watch him in action. It’s the kind of thing you’re willing to observe for a few minutes from a distance, but don’t want to get too close to. Kind of like the WWE. So thanks for the chuckles, I guess. “It’s fun batting you around.” “Making you look like a fool is enough for me!” That’s Rusty’s in a nutshell: crushing anonymous strangers on the Internet. Such a display of manly feats! He really should use his real name so that the world can give him the credit he deserves.

        I’m sure Rusty’s family is proud. “Hey, sister, did you see where Dad beat up on that guy on the Internet again today?” “Yeah, that was amazing. He’s so awesome!”

      • Speaking of Trump, let’s talk about his upcoming trial for raping a 13-year-old girl. So presidential! Moral values!

        I saw where the woman who is bringing suit was going to hold a press conference today, but backed out because she was so fearful of showing her face. “Jane Doe has received numerous threats today,” Bloom told the assembled journalists and TV cameras. “She has decided she is too afraid to show her face… She is in terrible fear.”

        Read more:

        One thing this election has revealed is the hypocrisy of the evangelical and crowd.

  8. This just in from pollster extraordinaire Frank Luntz: “Just found out 1000s of Chicago fans are stranded @ OHare and Midway. Why? Obama’s in town and the airspace has been closed over Cleveland.”

    Only problem is President Obama is in Florida. What a dick Luntz is.

    1-0 top of the second.

  9. And yet, Rusty, you continue to read (if not comment on) every word written here. Not only that, you continue to beg to have your privileges reinstated. Why?

    And just to clarify: I was banned from B4V a long, long time ago.

  10. meursault1942 says:

    This series of tweets by Kurt Eichenwald of Newsweek running down his findings after 6 months of investigating Trump is incredible. Definitely read the whole thing, but here are some of the key points:

    *Trump is somehow even worse than we thought as a businessman. He’s absolutely terrible at it, and everything he has was given to him by his dad.

    *He’s done more illegal stuff in his business dealings than can be tracked.

    *He’s extremely racist in his business practices.

    *He habitually destroys evidence that courts demand him to turn over. He also constantly lies while under oath. (Of course, he constantly lies anyway–if he’s talking, you can be sure he’s lying.)

    *Because he’s so horrible a businessman, he only has one bank who will deal with him, and then a whole bunch of foreign business partners who are equally shady.

    *Russia absolutely owns him. But now Russia has buyer’s remorse because he’s such a lunatic.

    *NATO is well aware that Russia owns Trump and is reacting accordingly.

    And that’s not even a full summary!

  11. Tim says:

    “This just in from pollster extraordinaire Frank Luntz:”

    You can have him. He is worthless, much like the abc.nbc/cbs/cnn/msdlc/shortskirtnooznetwork pollsters..

    My side doe not want him.

  12. Tim says:

    Is dissent patriotic again?

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