If Teabaggers were charge, the world would be a smoldering ash of post nuclear destruction.

Posted: July 18, 2014 by mitchethekid in Conservative Hypocrisy, Conservative Idiocy, Current Events, The Real World, The Tea Party

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And about using BUK by “rebels”. Here’s a control panel. Go on, sort it out. @lennutrajektoor


The hate from the fanatical right has permanently destroyed any rational, objective point of view about anything our President does. They are so blindly biased that even when reality is screaming in their collective faces, they still refuse to accept it.  At the expense of broken ear drums. So here all you Teabagging B4ver’s. If it were up to you would kill the world to prove an easily  falsifiable point. Courtesy of Andrew Sullivan. My conservative hero.

It’s been a study in contrasts for quite some time. One global leader whips up nationalist sentiment to get sky-high ratings at home; the other glides through another summer of Tea Party dyspepsia with imperturbable equanimity. One leader acts on the world stage by annexing a neighboring country and then threatening it some more; the other slowly and painstakingly ratchets up sanctions, whether it be on Iran or Russia, and keeps his options open. And it all came to a fitting climax yesterday. In the morning, no-drama Obama announces new, tougher sanctions because of intelligence showing deeper Russian assistance for the slowly fading separatists in east Ukraine; and only hours later, Putin’s hot-headed goons, using weapons they clearly are not fully in control of, shoot down a civilian airliner. So who, Mr Krauthammer, looks weak now?

Putin has lost Ukraine, its trade pact with the EU is now signed, and its Russophile separatists exposed as fanatical, fantasizing idiots, while Ukraine elected a new president to chart its future. The Russian economy, already hobbled, could face increasingly strong headwinds, if Merkel decides to press the West’s advantage or finally leverages a real climb-down from Moscow over Ukraine. Obama, on the other hand, has a wide noose around the Russian economy and just increased the odds of deeper EU tightening.

And if the missile that shot down the plane can be traced to Russia itself, then the consequences dramatically widen. And that seems possible this morning. Austin Longpoints out that a Buk missile launcher would not have been easy for Ukrainian rebels to capture from the Ukrainian government and that the operation of such weaponry is complicated. This leads him to suspect that “the Buk was provided by Russia along with any necessary training”:

This is supported by U.S. and Ukrainian reports last month that Russia had provided tanks and other heavy equipment to the separatists. Notably both the tanks alleged to have been provided (T-64s) and the Buk are older Soviet-era equipment that Russia would not miss but would also be plausibly present in Ukrainian arsenals. This allows the Russians to retain a figleaf of plausible deniability about the equipment.

If Russia is directly involved in this way, it seems to me that Putin has now over-reached in such a way that all but destroys what’s left of his foreign policy.”


  1. mitchethekid says:

    Debate this you treasonist teabagging motherfuckers. Applaud Putin now you shameless spineless cretins. Can’t stand it can you? That you despise Obama precisely because he is everything you wish you and your “party” were. Call up Cruz or Plain and have them have another freaked out temper tantrum over things they don’t understand, let alone can control. Gripe among yourselves while the adults solve the problems you’ve created.

  2. 02casper says:

    Conservatives in general really have no idea how the world works. They don’t understand other cultures and are proud of the fact. There understanding of history is as bad as their understanding of science. It’s good they aren’t in charge.

  3. mitchethekid says:

    What’s that saying? Pride comes before the fall? How can you be proud of abject bias and stupidity. I read something Jon Stewart said about Palin. Now that she’s done mangling English, she’s moved on to Spainish. She’s a serial killer of language.

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